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reading group
UAOWF Beneficiaries
Bunny Rearing
Youth Camp
Menstrual Health Lesson
Menstrual Health Lesson
Bead Group
Bead Group
Widow Project
Widow Project
Condom Distribution
Widow Project
Community Gathering
Widow Project
Village Savings and Loan Association Meeting
A meeting with a VSLA group
A head band made by one of the womens group
Training village health workers
a multi-strand necklace made by the women
Training village health workers
Fancy necklace
Paper beaded necklace

Take a look at the many ways United African Orphans and widows Foundation is helping others succeed. Our photos and videos are a true testament to the immense impact our activities have on individuals and organizations. We dream of the world as a better place where everyone is concerned with making a change. Step by step, our dreams are becoming a reality.

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