Nelson Mandera the former south African president once said, ”Education is a great engine for personal development” It is through education that the daughter of a peasant can become a doctor, that the son of a mine worker can become the head of the mine, that a child of farm workers can become the president of a great nation. At UAOWF we believe that when we open the doors to education for orphans and vulnerable children, we are unlocking the future for these children. In Uganda 14% of the children which is approximately (2.43 million) children have been orphaned 46.6 (1,108,080) of the orphans are due to HIV and AIDS and 105,000 children between the ages of 0-14 are HIV positive. Approximately 51percent (8.1 million children) are either critically or moderately vulnerable while 63 percent live with caregivers other than their biological parents.
We work with our partners to provide educational opportunities to poor children that have limited or no access to education. Our children are placed in good Primary, secondary and many have gone up to University level. We also do continuous monitoring, mentoring and counselling of these children to ensure that they remain focused to their education, fit well in the school environment and live happily with other children.