UAOWF is working hand in hand with different stakeholders including local governments, donors, local leaders, village health teams (VHTS) to implement health care programs that offer adult and adolescent prevention services; maternal and new born child care, sexual and reproductive services. With support from the Civil Society fund, PACE and Iganga District Department of Health UAOWF trained a total of 402 community health workers (VHTs) and these are very instrumental in extending HIV prevention services to people communities.
We organize community HCT out reaches and we work with VHTs and local leaders to mobilize young people and adults to come for HIV counseling and testing. These outreaches are organized within walkable distances in the community, hence bringing services close to the people. This has helped to increase the number of people who go for HIV testing and receive their results. We have noted an unprecedented increase in number of male including adults and youths who come for safe male circumcision despite earlier resistances and suspicions due to different myths and misinformation about this service.
We do organize youth friendly days where by youths come together to share life challenges, learn new things about their health and process of their own development. They also receive HIV and reproductive health services in a none threatening friendly environment.